The Love Study: Conclusion





I have shared about these four major translations of the English word “love” used in scripture. I, for one, have learned so much and am truly even more in awe of the complexity of the Father’s active love for us!

I am eternally grateful that God’s merciful love fueled the gracious love demonstrated through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which allowed for the reunion of our deep friendship with God and brotherhood with Christ which allows for greater and greater intimacy with the triune God.

The questions that should follow Biblical discoveries include:

“Why is this important?”
“What do we do when we unveil information like this?”
”What action does this call us to?”

It is important because it is God’s Word, where every word matters.

It is important because we understand much more specifically what the Lord is telling us and showing us.

It allows for our response in worship and thanksgiving to be specific and, therefore, more intimate.

So, we continue reading scripture and digging deep.

We read God’s Word through a new lens of understand specifically HOW He is loving us and how we are to love Him and others in turn.

We allow the excitement of these truths to empower and motivate us even further to share the good news with anyone who will listen!

We worship wholeheartedly.

We go and we love more fully…


Traits of the Righteous


The Love Study: Phileo