Me Time

“Me time”...the most coveted of hours for us all. I read one blog, article and social media post after another about the importance of having time to yourself. Many of these being almost, or blatantly, defensive about having “me time”. Vacation days are allotted to employees. Seasonal breaks are given to teachers and students. Parents hire babysitters to keep the kids while they disappear for a little while to regroup. It is certainly important to have time to yourself, and “me time” has even become a cultural demand of the individual, right? What does Jesus say about this matter?

“But He would withdraw to desolate places and pray.” Luke 5:16

There it is. Jesus would withdraw, too. Whew! I didn’t tell anybody that we've had it all wrong! Ha! I’m with you, friend. I like time to myself for fun things as much as anybody. What am I doing with this time though? Often making it all about ME and what I want. We are an increasingly selfish culture of people. Maybe you think “me time” is about rewarding yourself for all of the hard work that you do. Maybe it is because you are absolutely spent from the never ending responsibilities of life’s demands and you just need a break. Folks, these are not bad reasons to rest! Rest is essential.

“And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Let us simply check our perspective, shall we? Jesus took time away from the crowds and ministry to be with His Father. “Me time” was God time. It was about nurturing a relationship with the Lord so that He could best share that relationship with the world! His maintaining and increasing His own intimacy with God was certainly to regather His strength but also to have more of that intimacy to share with humanity. How desperately we need this from Christ!! There was nothing selfish about self care in the examples we see Jesus set for us. Even His rest was about relationship and to renew the stamina from the Father to carry on serving and loving us well. Servant hearts do not idolize themselves but take pleasure in Kingdom work. It is not about making ourselves number one but maintaining our correct frame of mind and physical ability to remain the least of these so that God is the highest. As believers, we have given our lives away and we rejoice in this!

“And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”” Exodus 33:14

To be honest, I am terrible at self care. I get major mom guilt for just needing to take a break. It's the lie Satan accuses me with in my poor comprehension of what I gather from the world around me. My own conviction in preparing for and writing this post is to recognize that if I remember the purpose of Godly self care, then I would not feel any shame in fighting for it! With the right attitude, my rest is an act of care TO my loved ones. I can not take very good care of them if I am stressed, worn out and distant from the Father now can I? I am happy to be working on it! As believers, we are welcomed to live a life full of willing service and celebration, not drudgery! Rest, nearness to the Father, as well as service to Him are great aids to achieving such a life!

“Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart. And you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”” Matthew 11:28-30

I pray that we all find great rest in our days and that this rest is anchored in the peace of our sovereign Lord who loves us. I also pray that this rest will bring great joy to all of the labors of love that you pour our everywhere every day. He will sustain and equip you to do the work that He has set out for you. Enjoy the things you love with a grateful heart to the One who gave it all to you and press on with the Good Work!



Dwell On The Promise


As Perfect