As Perfect

I have held a really warped understanding of perfection to be conquered. Thankfully, the Lord is making that clear to me and He is faithfully carrying me on to completion one step at a time. I’ve honestly let myself get overwhelmed by the verse  “Be perfect as I am perfect.” of Matthew 5:48 in the past. I just read it too quickly and miss an important part of Christ’s statement. “As I [Jesus] am perfect.” He did not stop with the command to just be perfect, leaving us to an impossible task with no direction; He continues to give full instruction by finishing the charge with “as I am perfect”. If we study the Word and keep in close fellowship with who Jesus is then we experience His perfection completely and intimately enough to know how to be imitators.

My idea of it keeps me glorified by humanity and in control of my life. I tend to make the notion of perfection so driven by performance and achievement. Obviously, such mentality is inappropriate to a believer’s heart and leads to emptiness and anxiety. Why? Because I’m NOT in control and deep down I know better than to want to be perfect by my own means. Yet, I often find myself making the vain effort anyway. **Lord, thank you for never giving up on me! Thank You for continuing to find me in my sin and leading me to repentance and therefore bringing me closer to Your beautiful heart!!** Man’s idea of perfectionism drives us to an attitude of failure. “I can never get everything right!” “I always fall short!”  Well, it’s because that is absolutely correct! We CANNOT get everything right all the time because only God is all-knowing! We WILL fall short because we are sinners in need of the redemption of Jesus Christ!

“But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in your weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-10

Remember it is through our failures that we remember most to surrender to the perfection of our Lord and let Him cover us. If I refuse to be weak then I refuse to magnify His strength in my life. I do not want that! Our culture’s idea of perfection is incredibly broken. It has nothing to do with OUR accomplishments but everything to do with our holiness and sanctification! It’s not about what we can do but what He has done! God wants us to come to Him and let the blood of Christ be our perfection for us! Wow! There is so much more peace and freedom in Him than the restraint and fear that my own nature often claims. That is what should spur us on to excellent effort and a thankful receipt of grace.

Lord, I pray for a release of the false worldview of perfection that we can so easily and wrongly look to! I know that you are purely holy and truthful in all that you have promised. Your spirit is made perfect in our weakness. May we boast in who YOU are by the kindness you reveal in our failures as much as in our victories. May we bow to your Lordship and trust your mighty hand in our lives and surrender our faulty view of perfection so to match what your true vision of perfection is for us. It’s all about you! Help us as we strive for excellence in faith to remember to let the grace of your heart bring glory and honor to you and your wonderful kingdom. Amen.


Me Time


Lent Reflections