
If you ask me "What do you do?" My answer will be something along the lines of "I'm a stay at home wife and Mama. Also, I am [recently declaring myself to be] a writer". I have been writing for years but trust that I have been led over the last couple of years to start sharing my heart for Jesus more boldly, this platform being one means of that.

That said, I have been requiring more scheduled work time for myself during the day to make sure that I am able to learn, grow and publish more regularly while remaining engaged in my other duties at home and in my community. I love it! I am eternally thankful that I'm able to do so many of my favorite things every day. I cannot wait to share more of this with you soon!

Cue this moment. My beloved schedule required a shift. "Martha, Martha..." (Luke 10:41) My 2 year old naps after lunch which is my daytime window to work (for now). My 4 year old rests or "works" alongside me. However, the morning brought lots of extra outdoor play and sunshine (hallelujah!) so the girls were both a little more tired once lunch ended. The eldest, much like her mother, devastated at the notion of needing to take a break…

This is where I was required to tap into the margin and bend my own rules so that I could snuggle with my precious girl and just “veg out” to an episode of Veggietales. (See what I did there? Heehee) This lunch hour looks different than I’d expected for today but it is most definitely the better thing to nurture what needs extra nurturing. As for today, the Christian blog had to wait a little longer in the draft box because the ministry of the moment required hands, feet and in-person attention. Loving my children is my great work. My magnum opus as Charlotte the spider would say to Wilbur.

These moments remind me why it's important to know my priorities. Such opportunities to intentionally love on our children and speak into their value can be easy to miss if we make our own goals come law or allow the distractions in our heads to become more important than they should be. I pray for the humility and vision to clearly see and act upon what's most important as I guard and build my home post.

What are your priorities? Do you have a vision for your life and your family? What empowering “goals” have you made that turned into draining, unbreakable laws in your life? If you aren't sure, send a message my way and I'd be so glad to talk and pray with you through that. Work hard and rest easy, dear Martha, I’m continuously finding that the sweetest moments are often introduced in the midst of busyness in order to crush those moments of overwhelm. Don’t be tempted to see this as an interruption but a rescue! The kindness of God so often whispers in the loud and beautiful chaos of parenthood.


Gettin’ Mad!


Traits of the Righteous