My Take On “Everything Going On”

Cheerios and dirt trails are covering my floor. It may as well be confetti! My girls are like hummingbirds in that they are constantly moving and, therefore, always hungry. They are playing and eating. I have a family. They are healthy. 

Thank you, Lord.

I sweep a few more times each day but I do not mind. It doesn’t take that long. I find myself smiling through the chore because it’s due to our family running in and out of the house all day long. The dog is getting far more attention and exercise lately. She is probably glad to see us retire each evening so she can take a break herself. We are busy together.

Thank you, Lord.

There are more skinned knees, bruises and calloused hands. I see sun-kissed noses, sandal lines and farmer’s tans because the sun is shining and we are soaking up every moment in it that we can. All four of us re-enter our house for supper smelling of sweat, dirt, grass and sunscreen. The kids need more hugs and kisses. There are more grass stains and paw prints so, naturally, more laundry to tackle. The sun is shining after a long season of winter and rain. 

Thank you, Lord.

I have recently taken on the project of refinishing the kitchen table. One of the benches is currently disassembled, almost fully sanded and in the garage. It doesn’t matter. The rest of the table is there to rest our plates full of food and a single bench keeps us close during breakfast. Lunch and dinner have been enjoyed on our front porch since quarantine began anyway. When we finish eating each evening, we water our marigolds, vincas and ferns that we planted together. (I can’t believe I haven’t killed them yet..) Our 4 year old plays in the mist of the water hose. All that to say, we have a front porch. We have food. We have a home surrounded by beautiful things we have cultivated.

Thank you, Lord.

My husband is able to work remotely so our daughters are enjoying a home where both parents are present. They see Mama and Daddy working together, even in different ways, to take care of them. They are witnessing the disciplines their parents have set to steward what we’ve been given to the best of our ability. They see communication being practiced. They see full family teamwork. 

Thank you, Lord.

My children have been sound asleep by 8 pm each night wearied from unrestrained outdoor playtime. They come inside totally spent but truly happy with the way the day went. Not a moment was wasted. Likewise, my husband and I have gone to bed shortly after the girls each night. Or maybe on a weekend we take the extra time to watch a movie (or The Chosen) and eat snacks together. As of recent, sleep is easily achieved because of a day of work and play. We are physically ready for rest rather than reaching for sleep because we are mentally overwhelmed.

Thank you, Lord.

We have spent our Sabbath listening to church services together as a family in our living room instead of scattered across a campus. This isn’t necessarily a better vs. worse comparison. However, I have experienced each of my daughters' company during worship regularly which is sweet for my soul. My oldest listens intently and has fallen in love with the worship music and experiences Daddy playing with the band each week. My youngest dances and claps along. What began as unusual is now a favored hour for us all. We are able to tune into friend churches as well and remain part of other communities we love so much. Even at 4 years old, our firstborn asks if it’s time to hear our pastor preach yet all Sunday morning. She is trying to learn the songs. They are hearing the gospel through a new voice and still loving church. My husband is still able to carry out his calling in work and worship through new and creative outlets. Church can never be “closed”.

Thank you, Lord.

We miss our people outside of this household but hold no complaints for the joy we’ve received in turn. Fogs of depression have turned into peace. The desire of my heart, a family functioning together, is my current reality. Homeschooling Pre-K begins this fall for us and a world of people are figuring it out with me so I feel the togetherness of the effort. Conversations are rich and fulfilling. I am experiencing more freedom in this quarantine than ever before. We are thriving. 

Thank you, Lord.

This is not everyone’s reality, sadly. There is worldwide sickness that I pray will go away. There are souls suffering that I want healed. Spiritually looking into these things, I also see that the idol of busyness has fallen and those fighting for its resurrection are most susceptible to falling into the virus’ hold or taking the virus to an innocent being. I see Coronavirus being a tangible example of sin and it’s effect on humanity. Follow the “law” (staying home), cleaning and releasing nonessential things to encourage wellness for yourself and others. Ignore it and spread the disease further causing further isolation of the people. I see complaining where comforts and idolized distractions have been taken away like a toy from a mischievous child in order to require more nobility of character. Still, I see medical teams charge the hospital battlefield to serve and save the sick risking their own health in the process. I see discipline. I see conviction. I see sacrifice. I see people serving people.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you, servants.

“My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline or be weary of His reproof for the Lord reproves him whom He loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.” Proverbs 3:11-12

Thank you, Lord.

Though this time is unusual, I cannot help but think that God alone knows how things truly ought to be. Still I’m thankful that He gives me glimpses of the wonders ahead. I know that I can trust Him.

Thank you, Lord. 

What if the healing of the world would be carried out by this?

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23

I am pondering these things and the following thoughts. What will it look like when we are able to return to life as we knew it? Can life as we knew it exist having experienced all that has accompanied the Coronavirus pandemic? How will we as believers reemerge into society? Will we be fearful and trickle out slowly? Will we act as a puppy who has been locked in a kennel all day and burst out making twice as many commitments as we held before self-isolation began? Will we take Sabbath more seriously? Will it be forgotten?

Help us, Lord.

We have been locked within our own walls with the Word of God and, hopefully, a sweet family who are to “encourage one another” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) or be “trained in the fear and admonition of the Lord” (Galatians 6:4). Christians, we need to look like a military unit that is fresh out of specialized training and awaiting an assignment. There was time and opportunity that was different than before. This too shall pass but I believe sooner rather than later. 

Direct us, Lord.

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Isaiah 6:8

“What I tell you in the dark, say in the light and what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.” Matthew 10:27

I Love You, Lord (Hymn)

I love You Lord and I lift my voice
To worship You oh my should rejoiceTake joy my king in what You hear
May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear

I love You Lord and I lift my voice
To worship You oh my soul rejoice
Take joy my king in what You hear
May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear

I love You Lord and I lift my voice
To worship You oh my soul rejoice
Take joy my king in what You hear
May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear

Take joy my king in what You hear
May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear
May it be a sweet sweet sound in Your ear


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