Money Part 1

I've already learned so much in my few years of marriage [and parenthood], particularly that while my husband and I are a great team, we are also very different. Not surprisingly, money management is a place where we have found much opportunity for growth and compromise. I actually hate spending money. Seriously, it gives me an anxiety-induced headache which is a fault in my mentality. Money is meant to be a river, not a reservoir! You have to spend money. I've asked myself too many times "How necessary is it to plan for entertainment anyway? We can suck it up until we are in a better place!" My husband is much more free-spirited in this arena. "YOLO!" "You can't take it with you!" and "It's not a sin to have nice things if you can afford it.." is more his style. Obviously, we have had plenty of room to grow in the last few years. I needed to loosen up and he needed to tighten up. To his credit, my husband is not at all frivolous! I can just be a tight wad. I told you in the About Me section of this blog that I'm a recovering Martha type, right?? Marriage is so sanctifying...

The day finally came where we both got serious about working together to pay off all of our debt. What got us really talking about a plan to achieve being debt free came when we started looking for a house. Sure, we had had plenty of chats about money and had made budgets before, but we were ready to hunker down this time! We had two vehicle payments and a student loan in our pockets and were making almost minimum payments each month to cover. When our daughter was a few months old, we took the opportunity to finish fixing up my parents guest house enough to where we could live in it while we saved. Even with a great family, that was tough. 650 sq ft of trailer with a window unit and a baby. Minimalist living was the only option and it was great! Most of our things went into storage. We used what we had been paying toward rent in our previous home to tackle saving $1000 for emergencies and then sold a vehicle. We were able to pay cash for another old but reliable truck for Matt to drive to work. This was a great step for us! Debt was just such a hassle and we wanted it gone so we could feel free and be free to give! So I prayed. I asked the Lord for direction and a willingness to be as diligent as possible so to honor Him and to achieve our goals for our family.

"I sought the Lord and He answered me." Psalm 34:4

Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University was a great aid for us in getting started. He has great advice and practical tools to help you in your journey. Even with his book, podcasts, website and whatnot, I wanted to dig into the Word for myself and hear directly from the Lord about a right mindset toward money and debt. For more information on Dave Ramsey and Financial Peace University, visit his website!

**Note: It's great to take advice from people who are excelling where you wish to excel. When it comes to the Bible, YOU can know for yourself and should check your sources for scriptural accuracy on any topic. Listen and learn well from your leaders but know what you know.

I know that was a long introduction but I want you to understand something. My husband works very hard and I am a stay home mom. I am working hard as well but I do not produce such an income. We are not loaded with cash and definitely did not start the debt free journey as such. We just decided to be better stewards of what the Lord was giving us together. Also, I am also no scholar when it comes to the Bible but I AM a christian with access to the same Book that the scholars study. The same information is available to us as it is them so I do not want to waste that. I do not want you to either! We are as human as anyone reading this so know that if this is a topic that you are wrestling with, you can do it! Here is what the Lord shared with me about debt in His Word.

  1. Be eternity-minded. I come to this point as often as I possibly can because it is so important! It is essential as believers to remember that Jesus saved us from an eternal death by a terrible death because of His great love for us. We love Him and have the grace-laden future of eternity with Him. That is always what matters most and that is on what we must base every single decision.
    "And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors." Matthew 6:12
    "He erased the certificate of debt with its obligations that was against us and opposed to us and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross."
    Colossians 2:14

  2. The more that we borrow, the less we are able to give. God values freedom and giving over bondage and borrowing! Hence, grace is NOT a loan. Scripture goes on about giving being a blessing and debt being a curse. Clearly, this is an important matter in aiding our ability to be obedient.
    "The LORD will open for you His abundant storehouse, the sky, to give your land rain in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow. The LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you will only move upward and never downward if you listen to the LORD your God's commands I am giving you today and are careful to follow them" Deuteronomy 28:12-13
    "The wicked borrows and does not repay, but the righteous is gracious and giving." Psalm 37:21
    "The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is a slave to the lender."
    Proverbs 22:7
    "Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8

Quick reflection: Of course we are warned to not idolize Money (1 Timothy 6:10) but money still possesses a somewhat relational factor. It can be a great tool through which love others. Why would we be so careless so to rob ourselves of the ability to do what God has most channeled to do in our regeneration: give and serve?


Money Part 2

