How Can I Stay Focused While Praying?

Ever feel like the moments that you really want to pray are the hardest moments to pray? It’s as if my brain decides prayer time is the time to space off into a trillion different thought trails. Flesh versus spirit.. Spiritual warfare is a real thing and the mind is a favorite battleground. How can we protect the sacred time of such intimacy with the Lord? Here are a few things that I’m gathering along the journey.

“We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

I have to require myself to surrender my attention to the One most deserving of it. That means take a breath, be quiet and recognize into whose presence I am presenting myself.

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted among the earth!” Psalm 46:10

It is no small matter that I should have the audacity to come before the Lord of all except that I have been invited by He, Himself, with open arms as cherished family. (I am so glad that I get to be part of that family!)

Preparation is also key. This is good advice for so many things and while it’s totally great to pray anytime about whatever random things that come to mind (Jesus loves hearing from us!), consider what you want to discuss with God during the designated time so you can “let your requests be made known to God” Philippians 4:6. Create space in your day for intentional, quiet prayer. Get up early (I’d encourage this above all the rest). Stay up later. Take a lunch break in your car, fast screen time (you’d be amazed how much extra time you’ll find). Whatever you must do, MAKE time to give God your undivided attention, accept His wholehearted attention and be ready to approach that window of time with utmost care.

When my thoughts just want to unravel though, that is a great indicator that I should be praying MORE. If I were truly laying my whole heart at the feet of Jesus, the joys and burdens, then why should my heart be troubled or my mind overwhelmed? If I honor the Sabbath, as God commanded that I do to honor Him and to be restored myself, wouldn’t that free me to pray more enthusiastically? I would think so.

What else do you find distracting during prayer? It can be easy for me to let typical day to day things catch my attention. Fun fact! I absolutely lose my Kool-Aid if my kitchen counters are cluttered and dirty. I don’t get mad at any person around me, necessarily, just at the counter. My counter. Not yours. That is THE THING that drives me bananas, yall. I. JUST. CAN’T. So, obviously, if my kitchen isn’t as tidy as I’d prefer it, then I probably won’t position myself in the kitchen to tune in to an intimate moment with the Father. I’ll go somewhere else. I have also found if I am laying in bed, I’m groggy and more set to dream mode than chat mode (shocking.. I know.. the chat mode does eventually have an “off” switch). All that to say, sitting upright or on my knees actually makes a difference in my attention to prayer.

“Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Yes, prepare and plan prayer time as I stated above but keep in touch with the Lord through the rest of the day too. Consider a marriage. A husband and wife will see each other through the days and, hopefully, have happy encounters as they fulfill their duties in their work and family life. This keeps them up to date with each other but they will eventually need to step away from everything and spend time alone together to truly remain connected. Isn’t marriage a reflection of Christ and His bride? Have an ongoing relationship with the Lord. Enjoy one another! Planning and spontaneity have a place.

I hope this helps as you pursue the enrichment of your prayer life! Remember, most importantly, God comes to the prayer time, too.


The Christian Walk


6:00 AM